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·l 56· 捡验医学2008年3月第23卷第2期Laboraton Medicine,Marcll 2008,Vol 23.No 2 

文章编号:1673—8640(2008)02_oI564)4 中图分类号:R446 I 文献标识码:A 



刘玉霞, 朱晴晖 



黄疸(HIJ)和新生JL溶 肚黄 (NHJ)中的价值以及6胆红素/总胆红素(8Bil/TBil)比值对cJ患者手术疗效判 

断的意义:方法 用Vitros 250 十式牛化仪及凸己套干片测定18例cII患者和20例HIJ患者血浆TBil、CBil和 

UBil,汁算8Bil;1 3例cJ患者在行胆总管切什引流术后3 d、5 d、7 d复测:同法测定22例NHJ患儿血浆CBil和 



开引流术治疗后排泄良好的CII患者的TBil、CBil和UBil 术后第3 d起逐渐下降,8Bil缓慢下降,8Bil/TBil比 

值由术前的0.16~0.44升至0.52~0.78:7例治疗后排泄不良的cIJ患者其TBil、CBil和UBil在术后5 d~7 d 


显增高:结论CBil LBit的育接测定』支8Bil/TBil比值对cIJ、HIJ和NHJ的诊断和/或鉴别诊断以及cIJ患者 


关键词:结合胆红素;非结合胆红素;6 H日红素;高胆红素血症 

The clinical application of direct determinaton of conjugated bilirubin and unconjugated bilirubin in hyper- 

bilirubinemia f|,[ 、ia,ZHI/Qinghui. (Departmen,of Clinical Ixlboratory.Shanghai People s Hospital of Putuo 

Di ̄trict,Shanghai 200060,China) 

Abstract:Objective To stud?the、ahle of direct determination of conjugated biliruhin(CBil)and unconjugated 

1) rubi11(UBil)in eholestastic jaundice(CJ),hepatocellular jaundiee(HJ)and neonate hemolytic jaundice(NHJ);to 

investigate the efDct of the ratio of 8-hilinlbin/total bilirubin(8Bil/TBil)in decision on operation efficacy of patients 

with CJ.Methods Fhe TBil.CBil all(1 UBil in plasma from l 8 patients with CJ and 20 patients with HJ were deter. 

nlined by Vitl‘OS 250(·}leUliStlW system all(1 attaclle ̄l dry slides.the 8Bil were calculated:the all indexes in plasma from 

l3 patients witl1 CJ were determinated on 3 d.5 d and 7 d after choledochotomy with drainage:the CBil and UBil in 

plasma from 22 patients with NHJ were determinated by the sanle method.the neonatal bilirubins(NBil)were calculat. 

ed.Results _rhere was signiti' ̄:ant diference of the ratio of CBi1/TBil between CJ and HJ(P=0.000),there was no 

significant difierenee of 8Bil,the ratio L Bil/TBil anti 8BiL/TBil between CJ and HJ(P was and 0.090 re. 

speetively);TBII,CBil anti UBil in plasma frOln 6 bilirulifn excreting well-patients with CJ had been decreasing gradual- 

ly since 3d after operation,8Bil Wits decreasing slowly,the ratio of 8BiL/TBil was increasing from 0.16~0.44(before 

operation)t()0.52~0.78(afte ̄operation),TBil.CBil and UBil in plasma from 7 bilirubin excreting poor-patients with 

CJ were decreasing slowl y from 5 d to 7 d after operation,the 8Bil was changing a little,the ratio of 8BiL/TBil was 0.20 

~O.46:NBil and UBil jIl plasma from patients with NHJ as well as the ratio of UBiL/NBil increased obviously.Conclu. 

sions The direct determination of CBil and UBil has high value on diagnotics and/or difierential diagnotics of CJ,HJ 

and NHJ,the ratio of 8Bil/rrBil is nsetul tor judging the therapeutic efifcacy ot CJ. 

Key words:Conjugated bilirubin;UriC’onjugated bilirubin;8-bilirubin;Hyperbilirubinemia 


(hepatocellular jaundice,HJ)、溶血性黄疸以及先 

黄疸(cholestastic jaundice,CJ)、肝细胞性黄疸 天性非溶血 黄疸都由胆红素代谢紊乱所致。溶 

作者简介:刘玉霞.爻,I963 q- {..}:锈 技州j.{ 蛰从 临床化 :检验L作 

